Since The Last Episode

This morning I woke up, and out of nowhere I just thought, “I’d really like to write a blog.” I don’t know exactly where it came from. The desire to write again (although I had no specific tale to tell)? To display who I am inside? To have my way of thinking make its mark on the internet? To see how far I’ve come? To be freer and better than I was before on my blog? To see if it really combats depression like I’ve heard writing about your feelings can? To create some pretty new web design? To feel like I was creating something tangible on my computer, some art, to show for my long days sitting in front of this machine? Definitely. All those things and more. But mainly, I just missed blogging. The view from my bed while I thought about blogging again. I used to have another blog. It was called The Harrington Files , and I was called something different then too. You can go visit it if you like. But it is a bit of a relic, and I think it’s best left that way. I thought abo...